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If you had one year in Bali, ALONE DURING A PANDEMIC, what would you do?

Why do I ask? Because that’s precisely what happened to me!

First, a little back story: Taking a break from New York, I left in January of 2020. I decided to travel for six months to hop around ten countries. I just wanted to DO SOMETHING ELSE for a while.

In March of 2020, I got to Bali. 

Two days after getting here, the Pandemic took over the globe, and it was absolutely terrifying. My apartment and job back home in New York were gone. So I took the advice to “shelter in place” very literally. Thinking I would resume my travels in a month. Or maybe two months. Three months???

So, what is Ms. Communication? After the initial shock and the reality set in that the Pandemic was here to stay, I adjusted my journey. It was no longer the trip I set out on but the situation in front of me. I decided to see it through, and I am pleased I did. One year in paradise? Alone? What would you do? “Ms. Communication” is what I chose to do with my time. Abiding by Covid safety rules and the Balinese way of doing things, I decided to learn as much as possible and document the lessons along the way.


Can i take you on an escapade? Let’s go!


The pandemic halted my six-month trip, and I was terrified about what to do. I had some quick decisions to make. I decided to continue my journey in the way it presented itself. Life in Bali begins.

It is inevitable for everyone’s relationship with the ocean to change here in Bali. I started that journey before getting here, but I wanted to think long-term in skills developed. Ocean exploration for the win! Another certification? You bet your ass another certification!

One week in the jungle in the middle of monsoon season? Sign me up! So yeah, survival training is no joke.

Archery anyone? I have always found it intriguing. My first lesson in Bali was Zen Archery or archery as “mediation.” Was I any good at it? Didn’t matter. Find out why. COMING SOON!

Do you know the difference between Tai Chi and Qigong? I didn’t! This ancient Chinese practice is so underrated! Qigong is so much more than meditation and a lot harder than I thought! COMING SOON!

Umm…Bali is one of the surf capitals of the world. You know I have to try it. Was it hard? Hell yeah. Worth it? Absolutely. “Vaya con dios!” COMING SOON!

RV living is more popular than ever! I tried it…and driving on the left side of the road. But first, I had to learn how to drive a manual. That was … something. COMING SOON!

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